Having had a really bad night’s sleep, I woke up really late this morning and feeling rather rough, with the beginnings of a cold – it seems the cold that has been going around the house has finally hit me. So although I had intended on spending the day doing something constructive, I ended up spending it wrapped up in more or less everything with sleeves that I now own (including the two tops from yesterday!) and sitting on the sofa with the tv, my computer, the cold medicine I bought the other day, a box of tissues and lots and lots of cups of tea!
I thought I should get some fresh air, so went for a walk with Tom when I went to Coles to buy things for dinner. This turned out to be quite an exciting trip as whilst we were walking around, suddenly I could hear singing. At first I thought maybe I was hallucinating due to my cold (maybe the cold medicines here are a bit stronger than what we get at home?!) but then Tom told me that it was probably just an advert being filmed. Whilst he searched for baby clams, I went to investigate and came upon a bunch of people wearing large foam gigantic fingers, all dancing about singing ‘Down, down, down’. I was really glad he’d told me about the advert as I really might have thought I was having some strange cold-relief-drug-induced hallucination if he hadn’t! Apparently because this particular branch of Coles is so new, they often use it for filming the adverts. I watched for a bit, then got bored and rejoined Tom in the store. I am now going to pay lots of attention to Coles adverts now, so I can see the one I saw filming and say ‘I was there!’ to anyone and everyone who is around me!
Back at the house, I got back on the sofa and continued my vegging session, with more tv, more clicking, more medicine, more sniffing and most importantly, more tea! After a couple more hours of that, I wrapped up all warm again and went down to Maccas for a quick hit of internet, before scurrying back to the house and back onto the sofa.
By the time I got home Sarah and Becs had also arrived back, so we sat chatting and watching tv whilst Tom got busy in the kitchen, cooking us a dish that involved baby clams and linguini. Neither Sarah, Becs or I had tried clams before, so we were all quite intrigued as to how it would taste. It was ready at the same time as Masterchef came on the tv and to be honest, by the looks of it, tasted way better than the dish the wannabe professional chefs were preparing on the screen! So Tom got a thumbs up from everyone for his clams!
After a little bit more tv, I still felt pretty rough so decided to head to bed early and dosed myself up as much as I could on my medicine.
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