This morning I got up relatively late, but knew that Tricia and Sam would be at church, so once I had gotten showered, I went for a wander to the supermarket, where I had a nice latte in the posh coffee shop that Tricia had recommended. When I went into the supermarket itself, I caught a glimpse of someone who in my mind’s eye looked just like Tricia’s son Ken, but when I glanced back, he had gone.
Back at the house, Tricia and Sam were home, so I asked them whether Ken might have been shopping there; apparently that is where he and Liz do their weekly shop, so we figured there was a good chance it had been him! I think Tricia was quite impressed that I might have recognised him. We sat down and had a cup of tea, then put some washing on as it was actually a bit sunny outside so I felt there was a chance my washing would dry in time for my departure tomorrow.
I then gave Tricia a bunch of flowers and a card to say thanks for having me, she was really touched. Sam, Tricia and I spent the rest of the arvo watching tv – some World Cup highlights and repeats and a variety of other bits and pieces. We had a spot of lunch and a few more cups of tea. I was invited to join in the discussion about their new house which is being built - specifically whether they should get a double garage door or two single ones, but I felt a bit worried as I know nothing about garage doors. I clicked about online for a bit and printed off my boarding pass for tomorrow.
Much as I dislike doing it, I went and began packing my bits and pieces up – it never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to make such a mess in a relatively short time, but I was surprised this time as I didn’t seem to have as much trouble as usual doing it. I also managed to catch my Dad online to say Happy Father’s Day, but I’ll say it again now anyway – Happy Father’s Day Daddykins; I love you very much!!!
My Skyping and packing brought me around to about 6pm, when it was time for Tricia’s children and their families to start arriving for their regular Sunday family dinner. When I went inside, Ray and Livvie were already there – I recognised Ray instantly, he looked the same to me. We chatted for a bit and then there was another little knock at the door and it was Layla – Tricia’s two year old granddaughter, followed by Liz (Ken’s wife), Ken and a car seat containing the seven week old Justin. As soon as Ken walked in, I knew it was indeed him at the supermarket, so Tricia asked him if he was there and he confirmed he was! They were definitely impressed I had spotted him after so many years! Layla was certainly a little character, full of beans and very talkative, although she did seem a bit wary of the scary lady she didn’t know (I must be terrifying!). After a little while, Ann and Greg arrived, then Selwyn appeared from his room and it was time to eat.
Tricia managed to squeeze us all around her dining table and we enjoyed a delicious pasta bake and salad. We chatted away and I enjoyed a beer as we talked. Greg and Livvie were interested to know about life in England, specifically the way we build houses, the concept of a terraced house, what it is like living in a semi-detached and how we cope without driveways and garages! They were not convinced! After dinner we sat around for quite some time chatting about the World Cup and being entertained by Layla’s funny antics. The funniest bit was when she put her PJs on and Ken brushed her teeth, she then went round showing us how shiny her teeth were!
When everyone had left, I helped Tricia clear up and then went back to the caravan to carry on with some packing, have another click about online and go to bed.
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