Today was nice and relaxing, nothing strenuous, just enjoying spending time with some fantastic people. This morning I got up quite early so as to get showered and ready before the man came to fix the wifi modem - obviously an incredibly important job and seeing as the modem lives in the room I am staying in, I certainly did not want to delay him from solving the issues! Clearly a fixed modem is vital to me and my love of wifi!
Whilst I had my cup of tea, both the important modem-fixing man and Heather (Jim & Robyn’s eldest daughter who I get on really well with) arrived at the same time. It was so good to see her (and good to see the man fixing the wifi!), so we sat and chatted for ages about life, the universe, everything, catching up properly.
We all went into town for lunch in the arvo, to a lovely deli/cafe called the Stuffed Olive, where we all had a delicious ciabatta sandwich. We then went for a quick wander around Berry high street, to run a few errands and I was once again struck by the beauty of Berry, its amazing simplicity and uniqueness – particularly my favourite shop in the whole town; the Cuckoo Clock Shop. Really, I ask you, would you say a tiny little town with literally only a handful of shops would need a shop that just sells cuckoo clocks?! I find it hilarious; it makes me smile every time I see it!
When we got home, I sat with Heather chatting for the rest of the afternoon and we clicked about online, looking at stuff on Youtube and general funny things like that. She then went off to play soccer and I sat with Robyn watching tv until dinner, lamb chops – fantastic! I chatted on the phone to Merryn (their other daughter) who is away at uni – I asked her lots of questions about Neighbours; she is an ultimate Neighbours fan, so I could fill in some of the gaps I have in my Neighbours knowledge!
Robyn, Jim and I then spent the rest of the evening chilling in front of the tv and roaring fire, with a very cute little kitten and big old faithful dog, along with a few beers for company.
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