Having stayed up late for the football, then not been able to get to sleep, I woke up rather late. Heather had gone to work already. I had a cup of tea and chat with Robyn, before she and Jim headed out to Nowra to take the car in for a service. Although I was welcome to go with them, I opted to stay home and chill as it was another gloriously sunny day, so I thought I might potter about.
Once I had gotten showered and dressed, I put on a load of washing and switched on the tv, only to see that the football dramas were still dominating all the news and talk shows. I sat with Roland and Ben for a bit on the veranda, then hung my washing out on the line to dry.
Roland decided to climb a tree next to the chook pen, then stood there looking down at the ground, so I couldn’t tell if he was stuck up there or not, so spent a few minutes trying to coax him down. Eventually he came down of his own accord, so I guess despite being a kitten he isn’t too bad at jumping. I sat with him and Ben, clicking about on the internet (every now and then being nudged by one or both of them, to get some attention and have a stroke!). I then went for a bit of a walk around the garden with Ben, who struggles with arthritis now, so seemed to quite enjoy a walk close to where he could head back to his spot on the veranda when he got tired.
The morning evaporated and soon it was arvo. Seeing as it was still so sunny, I thought it might be a nice idea to go for a longer walk to town. Robyn had explained to me that their house numbering system relates to distance; so their address is 670 Beach Road – this does not mean there are 670 houses along that road (far from it – I think there are more like 5), instead it means it is 6.7km from the top of the road. I figured this wasn’t that far, then at the top of the road it was probably only a k or two to the town centre. I got myself together, put the animals where they needed to be, then started wending my way to town; walking along in just a tshirt – it was coldish but still very sunny, plus the walking kept me warm.
The road undulates loads; something I hadn’t really noticed in the car, but it was still a lovely walk, with the birds singing and sun shining. After a while, I went past one of the other houses along the road, then another, then a cemetery (well, a sign to the cemetery – it must be behind some trees). A little further along, I noticed a car slowing way down on the other side of the road; I looked around and realised it was Robyn and Jim. I crossed over and spoke to them; they’d gone past me (I don’t know why I didn’t spot them!), then had turned around to come back and check I was ok – we joked that I was running away from home! I told them that I was going for a walk to town; they pointed out that time was getting on, so the town would be closing up quite soon, probably about the same time that I would arrive if I walked the rest of the way, so they gave me a lift and dropped me there, arranging to pick me up a bit later.
Once in town, I went for a mooch about, looking at some of the shops I hadn’t been to before including the local lolly (sweet) shop, called Bon Bon. I then found a cafe and grabbed a coffee. I was surprised that everywhere I went people were flabbergasted that I was only in a tshirt – several people asked if I was cold! Several other people I spoke to wanted to talk about the football – they seemed genuinely gutted for England, which was nice! They told me how sorry they were for us!
When it was time, I met up with Robyn and we headed back to the house, she then winged off to a private tutoring lesson and I went and sat in the lounge with Hez. We discussed the plan for our trip to the snow and made a list of what we needed from the supie.
Hez and I went to the house she has been going to, to feed the pets (whilst the owners are on holiday), she left me there, clicking about online whilst she went to a house a couple of doors down, where she tutors. I spoke to my friend Iris from Goulburn and made a plan to visit her and Pete, then shortly after that Hez arrived back from her lesson. We fed and watered the pets, then went to the IGA where we collected the groceries from our list. I met a couple of Hez’s work colleagues whilst we were in there and all were very jealous of our jaunt to the snow.
Back at the house, we packed up our bags for the snow and I tried on Hez’s spare snow gear – all good! We were really excited as we chatted about the trip over dinner, then watched some tv for a bit in the lounge with a couple of beers, before having an early night.
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