My cunning plan to watch the football went slightly wrong – the England game was being repeated at 2am (I had been stunned when I heard the result on the news yesterday!), but I managed to fall asleep during The Naked Gun and so missed that and also slept through my 4am alarm (back up in case I fell asleep during the England game) thus missing the start of the Socceroos’ game.
I woke up at 5.30 and realised my error, but thought I might be able to just catch the post-match pundits’ discussion and thus find out the result. When I flicked the tv on, sure enough they were there talking about the game, but then it started again; I’d only missed the first half. I settled down to watch the second half and was shocked to see such a bad performance, resulting in a rather embarrassing final score. The red card for Cahill was slightly unnecessary as far as I was concerned, although I know I am probably biased. I had a few texts from some of my Aussie friends who were watching the game too and we agreed it was a total whitewash. Oh well, there is always Ghana.
Game over, I went back to sleep and then ended up not waking up until quite late. Today is the Queen’s Birthday, so it’s a national holiday. This was good news for everyone in the house as no one had to get up to go to work or uni! When I did eventually emerge, I found Sarah in the kitchen, looking slightly perkier than she did yesterday! We discussed the game – she hadn’t watched it but wanted the low down so she would have a clue what her boyfriend would be talking about!
I settled on the sofa with a cuppa and when Tom came in, we decided that we could think of nothing better to do on a bank holiday (although it’s apparently not called a ‘bank holiday’ as it’s nothing to do with the banks!) than watch a good gangster movie, so we put on Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels, which made my morning! I love that film!
After the film had finished, I decided to go out and do something constructive, so I took the train to the city (my first time travelling on the train by myself!). When I arrived at Flinders Street, I realised I hadn’t validated my ticket, so couldn’t get out of the station! I did my best English accent at the information desk and apologised profusely so as to come across as a useless tourist and get them to validate my ticket for me so I could get out and not pay a fine! I then headed across the road and went back into ACMI, where I went into the little screenings area, found myself a booth and got settled on the leather sofa with my headset, to watch some more animations. Having seen Mary & Max the other day, I was keen to watch the other films by Adam Elliot, so found those on the menu and proceeded to watch ‘Uncle’, ‘Brother’, ‘Cousin’ and ‘Harvie Krumpet’. They were all really good, very similar in nature to Max & Mary, I particularly liked ‘Cousin’. I then flicked through the menu and found a few more shorts to watch, before noticing the time and realising they were about to close!
When I left ACMI, I went for a wander around the shops then had a text from one of the people I had been out with on Friday; Matt. He works in the city and had just finished, so we met up for a coffee and a chat – spending most of the time bagging the Socceroos’ performance and the ref’s decisions. We decided that the Socceroos played badly but the bad reffing was also to blame for a terrible result! Matt had his laptop with him and we had access to free wifi in the cafe so when we somehow got onto the topic of kids programmes, we decided to look them up on Youtube and spent a while laughing at some of the things we used to watch as kids. The most entertaining thing we watched was Johnny Briggs – I thought it would make Matt laugh, with it’s hilarious brass band theme tune, horrific 80s dress, a dog called Razzle and incredibly thick Yorkshire accent, which Matt couldn’t understand! My suspicions were right, he thought it was hysterical!
I then hopped on a tram home, where I found the gang chilling out watching tv. I joined them to watch South Park and Masterchef, then spent the rest of the evening with a few beers (it is the Queen's birthday, after all, what's a birthday without a beer?!), watching How I Met Your Mother.
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