Last night blurred into this morning, so I ended up only having a couple of hours of sleep on the sofa of one of the people I’d been out with, having all piled back to hers for ‘one last drink’! Shortly after I woke up, so did everyone else, so we all had a bleary-eyed cup of tea and sat about chatting for a bit, laughing again about Dr Sputnik, all feeling slightly worse for wear. I decided I should start making my way home, so said goodbye to everyone and walked to the tram stop.
On the way home on the tram I became the person who everyone looks at strangely – falling asleep and jerking myself awake when my head tipped down – just like the strange bogan (Aussie chav) on the tram yesterday, only I wasn’t eating a sandwich at the same time and eating bits of it that had fallen asleep!
I picked up a dirty Maccas brekkie for everyone on the way home – we’ve been seeing ads on tv for the limited edition Mc Aussie Brekkie Wrap and have been discussing whether it looked any good or not, so I decided that today was the day to find out! On arriving home, I nuked them in the microwave and we sat down for the taste test – hardly Masterchef quality but not too bad!
I then flopped into bed for a few hours and when I got up went and watched tv with the others and did the newspaper quiz. In the early arvo we went on a group outing to Coles, where we bought the essentials for dinner (including of course, some beers!). We threw Tom out of the car back at the house, so that Sarah, Becs and I could go shopping.
Sarah drove us to Syndey Road, where we found ‘Savers’. This was the largest second hand shop I had ever seen! The reason for going here was because Bes has a costume party to go to next Friday, so we were looking for things for her outfit – the theme being 80s sports stars. After having a good rummage around, we picked out a lovely ensemble for her which consisted of a hideous bright yellow airtex sleeveless polo and white tennis skirt. We then popped to a junky type shop next door and found some excellently hideous accessories to go with it, including white knee high socks, yellow visor, yellow hair bow and luminous pink makeup. We wandered around Sydney Road and popped into a few of the other shops. On the way back to the car, we stopped for a quick drink and spot of lunch, before heading home. We spent the rest of the arvo watching tv, mainly American Dad and South Park, then Becs tried on her outfit and we had a good laugh - she looked hilarious!
Becs cooked us a delicious roast pork dinner which we had quite early, then after a couple of beers we decided that we’d have a trivia session. Tom found a load of quizzes online, so it was a competition between Becs, Sarah and I, with Tom being Quizmaster. The quiz slowly evolved into a drinking game, where the person who got the answer right had to nominate the person who had to drink. It was very funny because Becs, as ever, would shout out a ridiculous answer without thinking, which would crack the rest of us up. I was pleased to discover that I excelled in a couple of quizzes, including the one about Europe, which instigated much teasing about my age – Tom declared that I had been alive longer than them, so had an unfair advantage; all because I knew which key was next to ‘Q’ on a standard keyboard (surely everyone knows that?!?!). My sides hurt from laughing so much!
The girls decided they wanted to go out and tried to convince me to join them, but after my late night last night, I wasn’t really in a state to go out again. We took a break from the quizzes whilst the girls got ready, leaving Tom downstairs finding more quizzes to do. I helped determine the outfits, which involved a fashion parade around Becs’ room, then I found a few bits for her to try on and she ended up going with one of mine – my ‘overalls’ as she named them! We then went back downstairs for more quizzes, laughter and drinking (after a few beers, our answers were becoming much more silly!), whilst Becs altered the overalls, turning them from a halterneck into a strapped number – how she managed to sew anything after the amount she’d drunk is beyond me! Eventually they were ready and their cab arrived to whisk them into the city.
After they’d left, the house was much quieter! Tom and I chilled out with a few more beers, watching tv and then finally, Monty Python & the Holy Grail, before turning in.
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