The morning arrived filled with the sadness that was knowing today would be our final full day together before we head our separate ways. JJ was still uber tired from all her diving exploits (she was lucky enough to be one of only 6 people on the boat not to have been sick and managed 10 out of the 11 dives!), topped off with us having gone out late with the boat gang, so she had a lie in whilst I chilled out, pontificating.
We then spent the rest of the morning just chatting and generally doing not a lot, before we headed out to town. We popped to ProDive first with all our paperwork and became official Adventure (me) & Advanced (JJ) divers! We had a spot of lunch and chatted some more, then JJ headed back to the hostel whilst I mooched around town a little more.
I bought some bite cream with anaesthetic in because I had been eaten alive all over my legs last night and my legs were on fire with itching! Really, I must taste delicious, as no one else got chewed on as much as I did. Along with the bruises from diving, I really look a state! Smearing myself in the bite cream did help a bit though, although I had to exceed them recommended amount just to take the edge off a tiny bit!
I then decided to be proactive and booked my stuff for NZ so all I need to do now is go there! After a little more mooching, I headed back to the hostel and did some more proactive stuff - chatting to JJ, whilst we watched tv, surfed the internet and then unpacking and repacking my bag, which took a rather long time!
JJ and I decided to go out for a nice dinner for our final evening together, so we got changed and meandered down the esplanade, musing about our time together, the things we had done, the things we had seen, the times we had laughed, the times we had cried. We found a nice, civilised Italian restaurant and enjoyed a very tasty dinner of pasta, whilst continuing to discuss our adventures (you see how civilised we look?!). We both agreed that it had been amazing and that we couldn't believe our time together was almost over.
As we began walking back to the hostel, we felt a couple of drops of rain, then suddenly the heavens opened and we were stuck in a monsoon! It was hilarious, we got soaked through within seconds! It rained for the whole walk back and once we got into our room, we were dripping wet, but we didn't mind, it was actually quite funny (hence the other photo; looking a bit insane!) and served us right for having been complaining about the heat so much for the last 5 weeks! Oh JJ, I am really going to miss you, but thanks so much for being there for me and showing me that I can do this - love you babes!
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