These two birds alone have made this trip to the farm worthwhile. I could just take them home!
Firstly there is Pink Floyd, the Galah, who was found as a fledgling - he had flown into a barbed wire fence on his first ever flight and rendered himself incapable of flight forever, so just walks and climbs everywhere. Pete and Olive have looked after him ever since! He talks a lot, saying all sorts of things and is always up to mischief. Yesterday, after I had been playing with him, he followed Jana and I to the room, then we heard a little tapping at the door and a little voice saying "hello, hello, what'cha doing?", to which I opened the door a fraction, a little head popped up from under the door, then he hopped into our room and pottered about, nibbling our shoes! He's been following me about all the time asking for "scratch scratch" and generally seems to understand that I'm a sucker for him and will give him a scratch whenever he asks, even if he does have a nibble on my fingers!
Next is Harry, the sulphur crested Cockatoo - he's the cutest, most sorrowful looking thing I have ever seen! He is two years old and has a disease called "Beak & Feather" - there's probably some special name for it, but it means that the feathers don't grow properly and his beak is overly large - this means his lifespan will be halved so he will only live to about 40. They only rescued him by accident - they were cutting down a tree in the farm and when it landed there was a nest and he flopped out of it - all the other birds had grown up and flown away but as he had no feathers, he couldn't. If they hadn't cut the tree down, he would have just died there alone in the nest! He says in a very soft voice "Hello Harry" and waddles about the place, stretching his little featherless wings. He likes to have a scratch too and I can just spend ages stroking him!
awww cuteness! :P x