Once again up bright and early. Jana and I put on our farm clothes (how will we cope being parted from them?!) and headed for brekkie. Enjoyed our cereal with fresh cow juice then became a bit more adventurous and cooked eggy bread on the open campfire! Olive had a look at my hand and giant finger which had significantly gone down and no longer looked like a comedy Mickey Mouse glove, however instead I had developed a giant ear! Apparently I had been bitten there and reacted badly, so Olive gave me an ice pack. At least my sore ailments gave everyone else something to giggle at!
Brekkie over, we helped feed the calves again, before heading up to the horses. Jana was feeling confident so went out with one group who were going for a long ride, whilst I held back to go with the other group, going out for a short ride. I had spent some time deliberating this and decided I definitely did not miss my calling as far as horses are concerned - although I didn't dislike the riding we'd done, the thought of going out for a lengthy period did not appeal to me. Unlike other sports equipment, horses have their own brains so can work to their own agenda, a rifle or bow do not, so they work as you direct them to, so I have now clarified in my mind that horses just don't do it for me!
Anyway, after a bit of morning tea, I went out for an hour or so with the horses. Bandit was already out with the other group, so I had a new horse - Bear. He was a brown horse, a bit taller than Bandit and far from alert or spritely - practically asleep whilst stood still and equally reluctant to move as I requested, although once on the trail, he seemed a tiny bit better, although I think I walk faster than he does! Like Bandit, he too wanted to spend the whole time eating the grass whilst walking, so we kind of struch up a deal - I'd let him grab a big mouthful of grass as long as he ate it whilst walking, then grab the next lot. This seemed to work, more or less.
All was going ok and we were on the homeward stretch, although I was miles behind the others because Bear's speed was slower than everyone else and he was not going to go any faster, however nicely I asked. Then I heard a voice from behind me - a new guest called Eric who had arrived this morning - he is from the Netherlands and so had a comedy accent which I shall now try to convey, anyway, this is what I heard "Exschuse meeee, you have schomethings on yer baack", (cearly, I became a little concerned) "What is it?!!", "I don't knooow the wordt for eet, but eet eez a black creeeature", (panic!) "Aaaaah! Where, where?!?", "I don't knooow the wordt, but eet eez on your schirt", (shit!) "Where, top or bottom?!?!", "Neear your neck", (I'm now frantically flapping at shirt thinking I am about to be killed by lethal injection of some kind) "Is it gone?", "Nooo, I schtill schee eet", (I'm now flapping harder, whilst still trying to hold reins and Bear is getting confused because the reins are moving which means I am telling him to turn left, right, left etc) "Are you schcared of thesche thingsch?", (dumbfounded) "It depends what it bloody well is! Is it gone now?", "Nooo, eet eez schtill there - wait, I will come and remooove eet", (I'm now thinking this is probably not a good idea as we're supposed to keep the horses 5m apart and neither of us are experienced riders, however Ivan is way too far away to call back to my rescue and I may be about to die anyway!) "OK, I guess" (sure enough, no sooner had Eric & his horse come within a couple of metres of Bear, he's freaked out, jumped about a bit, freaked me out, jumped again and then done a little run ahead, all the while I am screaming and still flapping at my shirt!), "Oh, thaat deed not work", "Is it still there?", "I caan't see eet, so eet may be gone - I will keep watch over it". We rode the rest of the way back to the ranch, with me barely looking where I was going, constantly looking over my shoulders in case the 'black creature' should reappear. Back at the paddock I leapt off the horse and dashed over to Ivan to get him to check! I never did find out what it was but I can certainly say I thought my days were numbered! Lol!
After the terror had subsided, I removed Bear's saddle and gave him a wash down, before I headed off for a shower (along with another check for black creatures!) and then to lunch.
After lunch it was time to pack our bags, then chill out for a bit before helping to feed the calves again, collect the eggs and feed the chooks. I then spent ages playing with Floyd, who was messing around with me - jumping on my hand and getting me to pick him up onto and off of the table, then climbing up my leg and back down! I didn't mind though! Harry got in on the action too and kept snuggling up to me for a scratch.
Soon enough it was time to depart and we reluctantly said goodbye to Pete, Olive, Marie, Ivan and the farm - and obviously for me a long, drawn out goodbye to the birds (I even got a nip on the bum from Floyd when I bent down to give Harry a farewell scratch!)! Shane drove us back to Rocky where we checked into the YHA and then went out for dinner to KFC! Then we have come across the road to Maccas to have an iced coffee and scam free wifi! About to head back, to go to bead ready for our early transfer to get the Greyhound to Airlie Beach.
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