After another night where I would have slept had it not been for my mind being over active and not wishing to relax, I got up and did what comes oh so naturally - hopped online. JJ woke up and did the same. We sat next to one anoher, independently internetting and making little conversation, apart from when we discussed who would make the next cup of tea! Breakfast consisted of copious tea and some of the biscuits we baked last night. A good breakfast indeed.
I decided to be proactive and so booked my flight to Melbourne - I leave on Cairns on Monday. That means I now have a bit more of a plan for after I return from the dive trip. Although it was a nice day, it wasn't particularly sunny so would not be ideal for going to the lagoon, plus there is a cyclone warning (hurrah for going on a 3 day diving trip during a cyclone that's knocked half of Fiji to the ground!) with rain expected, so the decision was made to spend the day chilling out in our 'flat'.
Some more internetting and tea drinking ensued, then JJ remembered we had bought some watermelon, so we ate that whilst surfing. There was a knock at the door, it was a man called Brian, the owner of the hostel who asked if we were ok, we said we were. He said he thought we were 'mysterious ladies' as he hadn't clapped eyes on us since we had arrived and that he hadn't seen us leave the room. He asked if we were hot, we said we were a bit, he pointed out that every window was open and the air con was on which would mean that it didn't function effectively, if at all, in a cooling capacity. We felt like drongos - we hadn't even noticed that the windows had been open since we arrived here! Oops. We then asked if we could settle our bill and book in for Saturday and Sunday nights, so we went out and sat in the reception wearing our pjs (who needs to get dressed when you're just sat online?!?!) to complete these administrative tasks.
A bit more internet and a few more cups of tea later and we decided to head into town for a late afternoon stroll, after all we had been sat online for over 8 solid hours - honestly that's more than a day's work! In town, we noticed that everyone was wearing green - how odd, then it dawned on us that it was St Patrick's Day! We noted to steer well clear of the pubs, people had clearly been out drinking for some time. We paid a visit to ProDive and got kitted out for our diving equipment, then had a quick mooch. I headed back to the flat, whilst JJ started reading her diving manual as she waited to go and pick up the underwater camera we had hired.
Time passes fast when you are on the internet and soon JJ and Nikki appeared. We put the tv on and more tv shows with acronym-related names appeared. Whilst JJ watched whatever show it was and I started reading my diving manual (not very enthusiastically), Nikki made the next set of cookies (this time with M&Ms rather than choc chip!) and then the two girlies made dinner. This became a bit of a farce as firstly they couldn't work the hob and then the oven kept turning itself off (it is ridiculously hyper-safety-conscious here!). Eventually after a lot of drama, including setting off the smoke detector twice and having to flap at it profusely with a towel, we sat down to eat our veggie pasta at 10.30pm and jolly nice it was too!
Now I am sat on the sofa with a cup of tea, a cookie and my good friend; the internet, having semi-packed for the boat and semi-read a few pages of my diving manual but feeling that I will just have to do my best blagging act ever when I get collected at stupid o'clock tomorrow morning.
could you not have found some diving revision on line and killed two birds with one stone???