This morning we got up at 5.45am, to get ready for our 6.15am checkout and 6.30am pick up! No rest for the wicked! Shane picked the three of us and another girl up in a very nice mini bus, before collecting some groceries and then picking up 2 more people from the little airport (George and Kim from Kansas).
The drive to Myella took about an hour and a half, the whole way we passed farmland and grazing cattle. On arrival at the farm, we were introduced to Pete and Olive, the owners and introduced to some of the animals – a couple of little kangaroos who were found at the side of the road with their dead mothers and then handreared, a flightless Galah called Pink Floyd and Harry the sulphur crested cockatoo with no feathers and an overly large beak. You can imagine my reaction to the last two!
After making our way to our room, we had to put on ‘farm clothes’ – I haven’t laughed so much in ages. We do look ever so swish! To be fair, the pickings are incredibly slim so I have gone for some jeans and an attractive red gingham shirt, plus the obligatory leather boots. It’s stylish beyond belief! We had a spot of breakfast – including cereal with milk freshly squeezed from a cow!
Shane then introduced us to the horses and gave us a beginner’s guide to horse riding on a metal model cow, before more hilarity ensued as we had a go at getting the horses out and into the paddock. Nikki and I were over nervous and Shane had to help us. Once out and finally on the horses we went around the paddock, trying to learn how to steer the things - I felt totally out of control cos the horse was taking me and not the other way around!
My horse was called Bandit and was incredibly tall and dark brown/black. He was more interested in eating whatever we went past, rather than following my instructions. Needless to say I was rather terrified and in the end Shane gave me a stick and it was very odd because just having seen me being handed the stick, Bandit suddenly started behaving and from out of nowhere, I became more aware that I was actually controlling/steering the horse! I didn’t even use the stick, other than to swat flies from off of me – there were millions more mozzies and I could feel them having a good nibble as e went about. After about 4km, suddenly it started raining torrentially which made the horses act differently and become a bit reluctant to walk because they don't like getting wet, but we managed to make it the last 1.5km back to the paddock, albeit totally soaked through, but happy! We dismounted, took the saddles off and brushed the horses. In the stable, one of the kangaroos had set himself up nicely for a little snooze!
It was lunchtime, so we headed for the food and enjoyed a tasty buffet of salad bits and cold meats (the beef having come from the farm). Flyod provided me with much entertainment, as did Harry – both can talk and are too cute for words. As it poured down with rain, the little joey took refuge under the shelter with Harry and then Pete showed us how to bottle feed it, so Jana and I had a go at that.
Following a bit of a potter, during which we put on some washing (in a washing machine this time!) Jana and I went and saw the calfs, then watched as Olive showed us how to milk a cow and then it was our turn! I was amazed how hot the milk was when it came out! Bung a bit of ground decaff coffee in, add a dash of peppermint syrup and, hey presto, I reckon it’d make a pretty decent latte!
Next up was checking the chooks, to see if any more eggs had been laid – I found one! We then fed the hens and that was a bit scary as they all descended on my hand and were in such a hurry to grab some food that I got a bit pecked!
We then sat down and I played with Floyd for a bit – he is very cheeky, asking for a scratch and then giving a little gentle nip, then chuckling to himself! He got on my hand, had a scratch, nibbled me a bit more and then had a climb about. I think he likes the attention I give him, but then gets a bit cheeky! I love it though, he is the cutest galah ever!
Despite the rain, it was still pretty hot, so the three of us decided to hang the washing to dry and then took a quick dip in the pool. Not long after we got in, we heard a little voice saying hello and looked over to see Floyd climbing up the gate and then down the other side! He was chattering away and when I next looked, he was having a good nibble on our shoes! He is apparently a bit of a bugger for doing that! After we got out, took a shower, had a chill out and got ready for dinner.
During dinner we chatted to Pete, Olive and some of the other guests and tried some of Pete’s home brew - not bad! Sadly the home brew didn’t relax us enough to pluck up the courage to ask Pete how he lost his eye! The heavens opened again and one of the kangaroos came and took refuge under the shelter with us. The mozzie bites burnt like fire and I could feel myself getting bitten, despite having doused myself once again in insect repellent – it clearly works a treat! We went to bed early and shattered, having fumigated our room with insect repellent in a vague attempt to prevent ourselves from being eaten further!
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