Today I had another lie in, then got up and went for a short run. I came back, got showered and had a cup of tea with Sarah before she went to university, Becs had left already for school (she works in a primary school as a kindergarten teacher).
I put the tv on and watched the news, then got sucked into watching some silly infomercials which are really long but strangely captivating! Tom appeared and we connected up his computer again, to put on a marathon of Flight of the Conchords (a NZ programme which is surprisingly good). For lunch we had the very healthy delicacy of Cheezels (another new Aussie treat I have been introduced to!) – they’re a cross between Wotsits and HulaHoops. We sat and munched on those, then we put on a DVD of the film ‘City of God’, which was a rather violent film and quite heavy going.
Sarah came back and we chatted about her day at uni. Tom offered to cook dinner, so the three of us went for a walk down to Coles and bought some supplies, then spent the rest of the afternoon drinking tea and watching tv.
When Becs arrived home, Tom started cooking and came up with a delicious dinner of creamy pesto chicken with gnocchi. We ate that whilst watching Neighbours and reminiscing about old storylines, trying to work out what was going on and ascertaining who the new characters were, along with their connection to the other characters. I then chatted to Becs about her day at school. It was really interesting hearing about life as a prep teacher; she described some of her students to me and we discussed some possible alternative teaching strategies to help those with specific needs.
We decided to crack open the rum I had brought from duty free and that made for a nice, chilled out evening, chatting and watching more tv. Masterchef was on and that caused much amusement as we all got rather into the swing of passing judgement on the chefs and dishes. I really feel in the spirit of chilling out and it has made me realise just how much dashing about I have been doing for the last few months!
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