Sunday, 30 May 2010

Sleepy Sunday

Another slow day today, we all got up quite late. We had a cup of tea and Tom went across the road to get the Sunday papers and we then spent a couple of hours sitting around in the lounge reading the newspapers, each taking a section and passing it around when we were done with it until we’d all read pretty much everything. We chatted about some of the main stories as we went and did all the quizzes and crosswords together. Today we were not on as good a form as we were the other day and we didn’t do very well on the quizzes.

For lunch, Tom made me Vegemite on toast again, this time with a thicker spreading of the iconic spread. Again, I didn’t really have an opinion one way or the other about it, but did decide that it was better when it was thicker. Tom was slightly more satisfied with my response this time, but both he, Sarah and Becs were still confused about why I did not have a definitive answer to ‘love it or hate it’ conundrum – the same one that we have in the UK over Marmite (which again I don’t have a particular opinion on).

The rest of the afternoon was chilled out and involved tea and tv. I took a walk down to Maccas for a wander and click about, to get some idea of where I would need to go tomorrow, then had a look in some of the not-very-inspiring shops nearby. When I got back to the house, Becs and I chatted about some of the students in her class and I helped her come up with some good phrases to include in her reports.

We sat in the lounge and watched tv for a bit, including Dr Who - an odd episode where they were flicking between reality and a dream world; like the Vegemite, I couldn’t decide whether I thought it was any good or not and to be honest I am still not convinced about the new Dr and even less convinced about the companions. Once that was over we went out and got some boxes of noodles for dinner, returning to the house to munch on those, whilst watching Masterchef and bagging the dishes they were making – it is a great show for collectively loving and hating the different contestants!

After a bit more tv, I took a shower and had an early night so as to be fresh for the morning and my visit to the Western Autistic School.

1 comment:

  1. Bon, you have to watch Dr. Who from the start. I was much the same as you and couldn't get over my loyalty to David, but Matt has also found a place in my heart. He gets funnier and funnier so it does get better I promise!
