This morning I had a lie in, I think I really needed it! When I eventually emerged, I found the others outside reading the Sunday newspapers. We sat and discussed some of the funny stories, read the horoscopes, then did the quizzes and crosswords together, over a cup of tea. We sat outside for a while, then came in and sat in the lounge for a bit, watching tv and generally having a Sunday chill-out. I then had a shower, got myself together and went back to tv watching with the others.
A few cups of tea later and it was Sunday afternoon, the whole experience of relaxing and doing nothing particular was so refreshing! Having done a lot of nothing, we all got in the car and headed to the bottle shop to pick up some more beers, then drove to the house of one of their friends, Sammy, who was having ‘going away’ drinks – he is going to America for a year on Monday. There I met some more of their friends and we all stood about in the garden, having a drink and chatting about all sorts of things. I think my Britishness caused some amusement! The sun went down and suddenly it became really cold, so we decided to head back home.
For dinner, Tom insisted on introducing me to another Aussie delicacy (*cough*) – chiko roll! We went across the road to the fish and chip shop, where we picked up a dinner of fish, chips, dim sim and chiko rolls. I have absolutely no idea what is in a chiko roll and I don’t think I particularly want to know, as if I did I think there is a very good chance that I would be scarred for life, but it wasn’t too bad (this is a similar story to dim sim which are also slightly dubious). We all sat around the lounge and enjoyed our dinner, watching the news and talking about random things.
Sarah pointed out that Dr Who was going to be coming on and I was unsure about whether or not I should be watching it – it’s the new Doctor and I haven’t seen any of the other episodes with him yet, but they convinced me to watch it. I reluctantly agreed and we settled down with the tv and a little Buddha beer each. I really wanted to like the show but struggled to do so; I was slightly disappointed in the story – it was an episode about vampire fish aliens and was rather stupid and lacked any sort of excitement. I have heard about the weeping angels episodes that I have missed, I am really looking forward to watching them eventually, as the weeping angels freak me out beyond belief and I really like scaring myself! The trailer for next week’s episode looks a bit more hopeful, so fingers crossed on that one.
Having watched Dr Who, we decided to have a South Park marathon, so hooked up Tom’s computer to the tv and spent the remainder of the evening going square eyed to that with a few more beers! I think I have watched more tv in the last two days than I have in the last month – I am not complaining though, as it is really nice to be in a house where I can chill out on the sofa and be normal, it feels so homely and is so good. Having such great company in the girls and Tom is grand too. It’s fun chatting to them as we get on so well and can have such a laugh, I even enjoy them teasing me every now and then about my age!
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