Saturday, 29 May 2010

Slow Saturday

Having had a rather late night, this morning was rather slow, as was the day in general. It consisted primarily of everyone just chilling out, chatting, watching tv, drinking tea and general Saturdayness like that. I also put some washing on, which was vaguely interesting.

In the afternoon I decided to get some fresh air so went for a walk to Coles, popping into the pet shop along the way to look at the animals and considering whether the Japanese fighting fish looked a bit miserable. The Coles is rather small so it does not take long to have walked around it, but I picked up some bits for the house; namely biscuits and Cheezels.

Before heading back to the house I stopped for a coffee at the kebab shop (I know, it sounds odd, but actually the coffee was really good!) and sat in there reading the paper for a while. I read about the ‘Crossbow Cannibal’ in the UK and it made me realise that I have no idea of what is going on at home. By the time I left, it was getting dark and after the ten minute walk back, the girls had been wondering what had happened to me!

We spent the rest of the evening watching tv – a variety of trashy programmes like Australia’s Got Talent (which is even worse than Britain’s Got Talent!) and then they had a double bill of Toy Story and Toy Story 2, so that kept us entertained over a few beers. Once that was over, we put on South Park and watched that for a while before turning in.

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