Firstly, I must say Happy Thinking Day and Happy Founders Day to those involved in Guides and Scouts, for those of you who are not involved in Guides and Scouts, 22nd Feb is a special day in the Guiding and Scouting calendar.
Now, on with the blog: After having a ridiculously early night (possibly jet-lag related?!), this morning I got up bright and early, feeling much rested for our trip to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary, which involved using public transport – a bus. It was not as terrifying as taking a bus in Uxbridge, much cleaner and with less scary people on board!
The Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary ia a relatively small zoo, with all sorts of creatures and birds to see. Of course, I was taken with all the parrots although was not impressed with ‘Mr Cocky’ who was supposed to be a great talker (don’t worry Captain, you’re definitely better than him!). Jana and I bought some kangaroo food and went into the enclosure to feed them, finding them all on one side of the field either basking in the sun or lying down in the shade of the trees. The kangaroos were keen to eat from our hands, sidling up to us when they saw the little white bags. I was slightly terrified but thankfully was not eaten, only licked! We saw loads of koalas too (not surprising, seeing as it’s a koala sanctuary) including some cubs who were very small, fluffy and cute! All in all, a good day!
After we got back to town in the afternoon, I left Jana to head back to the hostel and I went for another mooch around, heading down some streets I hadn’t been down before and doing more window shopping, although I did buy a couple of bits, including a Billabong purse/wallet (thanks Cassandra!) which I needed so that the awkwardly sized and unfoldable bank notes can slide in without springing out all at once, when I open it!
Having walked and meandered enough, I headed back to the hostel at around 7pm and sat chatting with the girls, before heading to Maccas to scam some free wifi to upload this blog (tantalisingly, this Maccas is literally next door to the Castlemaine XXXX brewery!).
Horrah! Glad I could help. So pleased you're having fun, chick. Keep the posts coming. xx
ReplyDeleteo wow love the piccy! and they look rather cute lol. gladd ur having an amazing time! x