I was sorry to be saying goodbye to Brissy, but quite excited at the prospect of Hervey Bay and so felt like a kid on a school trip when we got on the Greyhound bus. I enjoyed sitting, looking out the window and the journey didn't really take that long.
The bus went past the Big Pineapple, which I have seen before, but then we went through Maryborough and I was very pleased when I saw the Big Ned Kelly (haven't seen it before), but we went past it too fast to get a picture!
On arrival at Hervey Bay, we were picked up by a YHA bus and taken to the hostel. It's like lots of little chalets, and again the YHA booking system is odd and I was put in a different room to Jana and Nikki even though they had 3 spare beds ("we're fully booked")!! I was in a room with 3 guys who were just back from Fraser and only stopping one night. Funnily enough, one was from Stanmore! They were all very nice, as is the room - in a section called 'Possum Lodge', although I have yet to see a possum. Have seen lots of frogs though. Bad news is - no wifi or Maccas to skank it from - nightmare! (hence late posts!)
In the evening Jana, Nikki and I went for a wander to Woolworths (they still have them, but they're more like Tesco!) but it was closed, nice walk though. We came back and had a quick drink in the bar whilst discussing our plans for the next week and then having an early night. Early mornings for us all - Jana and Nikki off to Fraser and I'm off diving to finish my PADI...
Yeah! Oli will be pleased that you've added another 'Big' sight-seeing items to your list! Looking forward to the next blog hun xxx