Woke up bright and early once again to go and skank free wifi at Maccas (I’m still ‘lovin’ it’!) – is it telling that the man now recognises me and says a proper hello to me! After some Skyping and general internetting I returned to the hostel and sat with Jana and Nikki, chatting and getting some bits together. I then bought my Greyhound ticket to Cairns! Now we just need to book the bits in the middle between here and there!
In the afternoon I headed into town for a bit of ‘window shopping’ which resulted in the purchase of a dress and a pair of shorts (oops!).
Then something caught my eye and I went to investigate – I figured it was something work related so would be a good idea to check it out – the Brisbane School of Hairdressing! I decided that I could do with a chop, so booked in with the beginners group. The woman at the desk was English and I was stunned when she didn’t know what I mean when I asked for a ‘one length with forward grad’! Eventually after some explanation and arm waving with her and an Aussie woman, they figured it out – I hadn’t thought it was that complicated! Lol!
So I spent a couple of hours in the salon (it takes time because they’re beginners and have a lot of supervision from the lecturers). Whilst there I interrogated the poor girl who was doing my hair (Violet) and I found out all about the Aussie hairdressing quals – it is much more intense than the C&G quals we do, and also found out how she finds being a student there (she’s from Kenya and had to pay $24,000 for the course!). After she had finished, I spent time talking to one of the lecturers as well and it was most interesting. We discussed the differences in qualification and the ways of working/assessment etc. She was interested to find out about the hairdressing facilities and ways of working in Uxbridge College. I left there feeling quite upbeat with the sense that I had done something quite constructive and managed to get a bit of vocational stuff in too and feeling a bit different with my new hair (although it turned out much shorter than I had intended – I thought ‘just below the shoulder’ would result in my hair being just below the shoulder, rather than just above the shoulder! Lol! Nikki and Jana assure me it looks ok though!).
My new hair and I then went and met Jana for a cold drink in the shopping centre, followed by a bit more of a mooch before heading back to the hostel. It hadn’t rained like it had promised, but the air was feeling heavy so we just milled around, clicked about online, generally chit-chatted and looked at photos together. Some nice JJ and BonBonARoo time! Lol!
Look at you Miss Beauty school drop out with your hair terms!!! Must have felt like being at work?! Were they better than our students? Sounds like you're having lots of fun though. Speak soon chick xxx