Sure enough, when I got up this morning, I had missed Iris, but Pete was still there, so I sat and chatted with him over breakfast. Once I had helped him with a couple of things on the computer (I never realised what wonderful technical IT support I can provide!) I sorted out my bags and was ready to leave.
It was a gloriously sunny day, if a bit cold, but nothing I couldn’t handle (it certainly wasn’t as cold as it had been at the snow!). Pete and I headed into town for a quick wander about - Goulburn still looks the same and it was nice seeing it again, if only briefly. We then went back to the house, to find that Iris’ sister Marion popped in, so I spoke to her briefly, before Pete and I packed up the car with my gear and went back to town, where he dropped me off at the station to wait for my Greyhound coach to Sydney.
The coach arrived bang on time and the driver was confused why I was going to Sydney ‘the long way round’ – via Canberra. I eventually managed to convince him that this was right and he let me on, even though he thought I was a bit mad! Five minutes later I was waving goodbye to Goulburn and the Big Merrino, and on my way to Sydney, even if it was via Canberra!
The journey to Canberra took me back along the big flat nothing-ness road that I had only been along the day before with Heather, so I was grateful that I had my ipod to listen to and a book to read! The drive only took an hour and a half, but on arrival in Canberra I was devastated to discover that there was no Starbucks to visit whilst I waited for my connecting bus! In fact I was even more than devastated to discover that it wasn’t just that there was no Starbucks near the bus station – apparently there is no Starbucks anywhere in Canberra! How incredibly shocking indeed! Finding out this traumatising information actually took the entire length of my between-bus wait, so soon enough I was checking in with my new driver and hopping on my new bus.
The bus was full and the journey to Sydney was long, but thankfully the girl I was sat next to had the film ‘The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas’ on her laptop and she invited me to watch it with her, which helped the journey pass quicker. It was such a sad story and I was almost in tears by the end! Once it had finished, I carried on listening to my ipod and reading my book then suddenly it was 5.30pm and there I was in Sydney!
The YHA was right next to Central Station, so it wasn’t too much of a saga dragging all my bags across to it. Once I had checked in, I found my room and whilst chatting to the girls in the room, I set about organising myself so that I could be up, ready and out at some ridiculous hour in the morning without causing too much disturbance to my room-mates. As much as I would have liked to have gone out for a proper amble around Sydney, I knew I shouldn’t, so after a quick wander up the road and grabbing a bite to eat, I returned to the room, checked everything one last time and went to bed at a very reasonable hour, for a change!
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