Woke up this morning to more Japanese Rustling, so rolled over and tried to ignore it for as long as possible. I eventually got up and chatted to Jin for a bit, she was off on another day trip. I decided to do something constructive so collected together my laundry and headed to the basement, where I washed everything by hand (to kill a bit of time!) – not in the shower this time, in an actual big sink! I then shoved it in the dryer and was amused at the sign on the dryer that, amongst a lot of other silly warnings, suggested not letting children play inside the dryer, before heading back up to my room and pottering about until it was done.
After collecting and folding my dry, washed clothes, I went and sat in the tv lounge for a bit and watched a bit of a film that was on (not the same as sitting on a proper sofa!) then headed into town and pottered around, just looking about at the sights once again, enjoying the sun shine. Being a bank holiday, much of the general hub-bub of town was absent and it seemed really different, plus lots of things were closed.
I then jumped on a tram and headed over to Flemington again, to Sarah, Tom and Becks’ house. We went for a walk around the general area and they took me to Flemington Racecourse – the home of the Melbourne Cup – obviously it was closed, but it was quite cool seeing it nonetheless. It is hard to believe that such as prestigious event would be held in Flemington, as it’s not exactly the posh end of town! We walked around a bit more and came back to their house via a fish and chip shop, where we got a proper Good Friday dinner of flake and chips, as well as potato cakes (like potato waffles, but round) and dim sum.
They all thought it was funny that I also hadn’t had potato cakes or dim sum before and when I told them the potato cake was like a potato waffle, they had no idea what I was going on about and my description of them being ‘waffly versatile’ (which had me in stitches) was totally lost on them! The dim sum was odd, certainly something I wouldn’t have chosen out of choice, as despite tasting mediocre, it looked very dubious indeed!
We then chilled out in the lounge (on a proper sofa!) with a few drinks and watched tv and a couple of films, including an Aussie film called ‘The Nugget’ which they insisted on showing me as part of my cultural learning experience. It was a really funny film and many jokes and little nuances were very typically Aussie, so these were all pointed out to me and discussed at length. We then watched Jaws, as I had previously mentioned it being one of my favourite films of all time. This promoted much more jovial discussion about old special effects and shark attacks in general.
Again, we all had another wonderful evening and when I got the tram back to the hostel, I found a little note on my pillow from Jin – she had checked out and given me her email address, thanking me again for the cardigan loan! She’s so sweet! Went to sleep with a smile on my face!
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